Taster Workshops
We regularly have Taster Workshops for those who wish to dip their toe into the fascinating arts of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. This workshop gives a good grounding for those who are unfamiliar with these disciplines and want to start their Tai Chi and Qi Gong journey.
Come along for a fun and informative session. Over two hours, you will learn the background to these fascinating Oriental arts and will experience them in a very interactive and enjoyable format. We will provide refreshments and you will have lots of opportunity to chat and see if this is something you want to peruse.
If I’m interested, when could I learn in a regular class ?
Well, you have many options. We teach Qi Gong for health twice a week at Cottesmore, ( see “Classes” page ) and we will hopefully be starting a new beginner’s class on alternate Sunday mornings where we will steadily progress through the Yang Tai Chi movements, whilst incorporating some very beneficial Qi Gong movements too.
This class will be particularly useful for those working office hours who are looking for a way of learning that doesn’t tie them down every week. This class will also run along with school term times to help those with young ones.
If any of the above interests you, then please get in touch. The morning Taster session will be £12 and prepayment will be required on booking.
You can register interest via our email or if you have any questions please either email or give me a call. email: [email protected]. Tel: 07464 484940
Looking forward to helping you start your journey.
If you’ve ever thought about giving it a try this is your chance.
We regularly have Taster Workshops for those who wish to dip their toe into the fascinating arts of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. This workshop gives a good grounding for those who are unfamiliar with these disciplines and want to start their Tai Chi and Qi Gong journey.
Come along for a fun and informative session. Over two hours, you will learn the background to these fascinating Oriental arts and will experience them in a very interactive and enjoyable format. We will provide refreshments and you will have lots of opportunity to chat and see if this is something you want to peruse.
If I’m interested, when could I learn in a regular class ?
Well, you have many options. We teach Qi Gong for health twice a week at Cottesmore, ( see “Classes” page ) and we will hopefully be starting a new beginner’s class on alternate Sunday mornings where we will steadily progress through the Yang Tai Chi movements, whilst incorporating some very beneficial Qi Gong movements too.
This class will be particularly useful for those working office hours who are looking for a way of learning that doesn’t tie them down every week. This class will also run along with school term times to help those with young ones.
If any of the above interests you, then please get in touch. The morning Taster session will be £12 and prepayment will be required on booking.
You can register interest via our email or if you have any questions please either email or give me a call. email: [email protected]. Tel: 07464 484940
Looking forward to helping you start your journey.
If you’ve ever thought about giving it a try this is your chance.
Regular Saturday morning workshops with coffee and cake at Manton.
Celebrating World Health Qi Gong Day September 11th 2021
Empty yourself of everything and return to the source of stillness
- Lao Tzu -
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be"
- Lao Tzu -